COVID-19 Safety Protocols

Hey guys, it’s been a long time, but we are so excited to have you back!

With all that’s been going on, we have put some protocols in place to make sure our clients and staff are all safe.

Covid-19 Protocol:

* Temperatures will be taken on entry.
* There will be a sanitizer station at the entrance.
* No mask no entry.
* A register will be taken at entry, kindly come 15 minutes before your match.

Field protocols:
* Mask to be worn while playing. (we encourage players to wear a buff or a sports mask for vigorous sports.)
* All balls will be sanitized before each game.
* No bibs will be used during this time, we recommend you coordinate colours with your team or bring a change of shirt.
* Unfortunately there are no supporters allowed, as per government rules. Customers of fives bar and grill may make use of the deck and stands
* If any of your team members are not feeling well, they should rather stay at home.
* If any of your team members that played, happen to contract Covid-19 please inform us so we can inform the relevant teams – the register is therefore vital to track relevant players.

Bar and grill protocols:
* Additional sanitizers will be available at the bar.
* All tables and chairs are cleaned after each customer.
* We encourage customers to make use of the contactless payment options to avoid handling cash.
* Facilities are cleaned daily before opening.
* Please ensure you observe social distancing at all times around the arena.

With regards to the 9:30 pm games they can obviously not be played as they go past curfew, so for now to accommodate those games they will be played on a Monday night as we have some space available then. So for example, if your game was supposed to be played this week Wednesday at 9:30 pm, it would be moved to that Monday night and you would not have a game on Wednesday night for that week. We will let you know the week before if your next game will be on Monday night.

Let’s keep safe while having fun.

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